Stay in a charming gîte in Javols, Lozere
Discover during your stay in our Lozere javols gite, the vines and the different pickings of the region. In autumn, when the forest begins to lose its leaves and gives way to the autumn colors. It is the perfect time for mushroom picking. Our beautiful Lozere, in addition to its beautiful landscapes will offer you a great variety of mushrooms. Indeed, you will find vine stocks, coulemelles, giroles, monsoons, and lactaires which abound in the forests of Lozere.

During your walks or hikes near the gite in Javols, Lozere, in addition to picking vine stocks and other mushrooms. It is to be noted that the forest is full of other things to pick. Indeed, you can find hazelnuts, wild strawberries, raspberries and wild blackberries. So, make sure to take advantage of this moment of escape in the open air, to meet with family, friends, lovers or even by yourself. To guide you during your pickings, beforehand you can consult books or specialized sites. It is essential to be careful when picking mushrooms that they are not toxic or even deadly. We recommend, for example, the site of the ONF-office national des forêts.