This destination is not to be missed during your stay at Gîte chez Léa in Javols, Lozère.

In order to keep you busy during your stay, we have selected several activities around the gite. Although “LES GORGES DU TARN” are located at about one hour from Gîte chez Léa in Javols. It thus appeared essential to us to recommend to you this destination in order to offer you a complete stay in Lozere.

“LES GORGES DU TARN” are known for their crystal-clear waters, their magnificent landscapes but also for canoe or kayak rides. On both sides of the bank, we can observe a succession of small villages and hamlets.

In addition, several routes are accessible by canoe or kayak to help you discover the beauty of “LES GORGES DU TARN. There are four different starting points. Finally, the circuits are accessible to all, beginners or confirmed, whether you are alone or in a group. On one of the circuits, your path will cross that of the medieval village of Sainte-Enimie, classified among the most beautiful villages of France.

Lors de votre séjour, rendez vous dans les gorges du Tarn pour un saut à l'élastique
gite chez lea en lozere aux alentours des gorges du tarn


“LES GORGES DU TARN”, the destination to visit during your stay at Gîte chez Léa in Javols, Lozere

In addition, for the bravest, a bungee jump of 107 meters is located in the heart of “LES GORGES DU TARN”.

However, if you are not a fan of strong sensations. You will still be able to enjoy this magnificent place. Indeed, it is possible to settle down at the water’s edge to enjoy the sun, to swim or even for a joyful picnic with friends in the middle of the nature.

Finally, as you already know by now, “LES GORGES DU TARN” is a not to be missed destination, we highly recommend you visit it during your stay at Gîte chez Léa in Javols, Lozere.

We regularly receive the couple of influencers traveling les.colibris we let you discover their pretty photos around the Lozère:

Finally, feel free to find more information about “LES GORGES DU TARN” here.

More activities around the gite.