Seasonal activities


How to entertain yourself during your stay in our gîte chez Léa near Aumont-Aubrac?

In order to offer you a complete stay, we have selected several activites nearby the cottage in Lozere. Indeed, our department has a significant seasonality depending on the period in which you come to stay. From then on, discover here our selection of typical restaurants, museums, lakes, waterfalls, hikes on the famous road to Saint Jacques de Compostelle for example but also many other activities nearby the cottage to make you fully enjoy our beautiful region in Lozère.

Note that the cottage is located nearby each of the activities offered below.

Finally, if you want to explore more leisure, we also give you an appointment on the Lozère Tourisme website or you can take an appointment with the various local tourist offices. Actually, you will find something to take care of during your stay at the gite near Aumont-Aubrac in Lozère!

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